About Grace Place Creative

Building a business can be difficult.

Lonely and frustrating too.

Especially when you’re low on funds and technologically challenged.

I get it. I’ve been there, done that. I’ve worn all the hats and juggled all the tasks. I’ve gotten down and discouraged and I’ve nearly given up.

Thankfully, that’s when I plugged into the power of community and made some real progress.

Hi! My name is Leslie and I am the founder of Grace Place Creative.

Why Grace Place Creative

At Grace Place Creative, we’re all about community and the resourcefulness, accountability, growth, and empowerment that can come from that.

It’s both our mission statement and method of operation.

Grace Place Creative Mission Statement

I built this site – and am building my community – to help you do the same.

Your message matters. Let’s get it out into the world.